Pazit, ReligSpace’s principal investigator, is a professor and the director of the Political Psychology Laboratory at the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an Academic Visitor at CRASSH & Clare Hall, Cambridge, and an Associate Member at Nuffield College, Oxford. She studies the political psychology of enduring values and urban context by introducing comparative experiments and multi-method designs. She is the recipient of the Erik Erikson Early Career Award, recognizing exceptional achievement in the field of political psychology (2019), and she has received over $2,000,000 in grants, including the ERC starting grant (ReligSpace), ISF, NSF, and Marie Curie, among others. She has published over 40 articles and chapters in leading political science, social psychology, public policy, conflict resolution, and environmental journals, such as The American Political Science Review, the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, the British Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Personality and Social Psychology Bulleting, and Political Psychology. Pazit writes fiction, reads compulsively (when her two young boys allow it), dances Zumba, grows three types of peppers, and is always excited to travel new roads.
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