In the Press
ReligSpace at MPSA
Our PI, Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom, presented a paper at the 2022 Midwest Political Science Association hybrid conference.
ReligSpace is in London
Our British team is preparing the routes for the AR field research in southern London.
ReligSpace congratulates Rasha
We are proud and thrilled to congratulate Dr. Rashs Kardosh, who won the Fulbright Scholarship and the Rothschild Scholarship.
ReligSpace congratulates Allon
We are proud and thrilled to congratulate Dr. Allon Vishkin, who accepted a Tenure Track position at the Technion.
ReligSpace welcomes Ilona
We are happy to welcome Ilona Hillel Goldner, who joins the team as a graduate student.
Zoom Summit
Our teams from Tel-Aviv, Paris, and London had a zoom meeting to welcome the new British colleagues joining the project.
ReligSpace is in Paris
Our French team began the AR field research in the Parisian neighborhood of Bellville.
ReligSpace completes the fieldwork in Tel Aviv
Our Israeli team has completed the AR field research in South Tel Aviv - Jaffa. We proceed to the next step: data analysis.
A new paper by ReligSpace team
“A Motivational Framework of Religion: Tying Together the Why and the How of Religion” will be published soon in the European Journal of Social Psychology.